Sunday, October 11, 2020

Fall is Here

It's Autumn Time

Orange leaves in October
Fall from the trees.
Allergies are all around
Making you sneeze.

Bright sun is the best
On a warm Autumn day.
You're hoping the little black bugs
Will just go away.

Pumpkins  from the patch
Make everyone smile.
Enjoy the season of fall
Because it lasts for just a while.

What are your favorite autumn activities? Are there things you don't like about fall? Write and illustrate your thoughts.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

School Days

What do you like about school?
Do you like math, science,
or learning history?
Is gym class your
favorite place to be?

What do you like about school?
Do you like writing and
Learning to sing a song?
Do you enjoy talking with friends
and getting along?

What do you like about school?
Do you like computers and
drawing in art class?
Do you like taking tests
and trying to pass?

Write about school. Tell what you like and dislike about school. Will school feel and look different this year? Explain.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

End of July

End of July

July is winding down
In every city and town.
The cicadas wine and sing.
Soon school bells will ring.

Days are humid and hazy.
You're feeling hot and lazy.
Enjoy watermelon and lemonade.
Read a book in the shade.

Don't worry about how many days to go.
Summer isn't done with her show.
Swim and have fun with friends
Until summer officially ends.

Do you like the end of July? What is special about this time in your area? What things do you enjoy doing? Why? Explain.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Back to School 2020

Back to School 2020

Will you learn from home
Or go to a school?
You might be with your teacher in person
Or use an online tool.

No matter how you attend school
Challenge yourself and don't slack.
It's time for you to achieve.
Your brain is ready to go back!

How will you be going back to school this year? Are you happy or sad about it? Why? Write about going back to school in the year 2020.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Sounds of Summer

Construction hammering down the block.
Cars zooming and blasting rock.
Splashing sounds from a backyard pool.
The sounds of summer are so cool!

Happy birds chirping from the tree.
Listen for the sound of a buzzing bee.
Boys and girls bouncing a ball.
Which summer sounds are best of all?

What are your favorite summer sounds? Do you enjoy hearing birds in the morning, kids playing in the afternoon, or crickets on a hot summer night? Write about your favorite and least favorite sounds of summer.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Birds in Town

Who are Those Birds?

Who are those little songbirds in town?
The mama has feathers of grayish brown.
The male shows off like a team mascot.
In red feathers he thinks he's hot.

They might live in a shady tree
Or in the backyard for all to see.
The male cardinal helps his wife.
These special birds mate for life.

They eat insects and love birdseed.
Fruit and buds are what they need.
We like their tunes and hope they stay.
The cardinals sing for us every day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What can you do with a box?


What can you do with a box?
Is it big or small?
Put a collection inside.
Boxes are fun for all.

Do you have a giant box?
Is it narrow or really wide?
Pretend you are a spy
Hiding deep inside.

Maybe your box is an air plane
Flying high in the sky.
You can do anything with a box.
Go on and give it a try.

Decorate your box
With stickers, glitter, and glue.
No matter how old you are
A box is fun for you.

Do you like to play with boxes? Why or why not? how can you use your imagination to pretend with a box? How can you help a younger sibling or friend pretend with a box?

Are you a collector? What special items are in your box.

Write all about boxes.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Books All Around

Books Books

There are thousands of books all around.
Books about anything can be found.
Some books are nonfiction and some are true.
All kinds of books are waiting for you.

Do you check out books from the library? Why or why not? Would you rather hold a book in your hand and turn the pages or would you rather read a book on an electronic device? Explain.

Write all about reading books. Tell what types of books are your favorite and why.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Spring and Easter Traditions

Happpy Easter
It's a special time of year.
Easter time is here.
Eggs of green and blue.
One for me and one for you.

What Easter or spring traditions do you enjoy? Which will you be able to do this year? Are there new traditions you can start? Write about Easter or spring.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Keep in Touch During Covid-19

Communicate with Friends and Family

Social media is all around.
Contact your family and friends.
The Internet is alive and well.
Communication never ends.

Are you staying in touch with family and friends who don't live with you? Do you think it's important to stay in touch? Why or why not?

What are your favorite social media platforms? Why? Can you teach others to use them? Write about social media and staying in touch.

Do you have a family friend or relative who is not on the Internet? Start a pen pal letter exchange. You never know what you might learn. Go back to snail mail!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Man's Best Friend

Man's Best Friend

My tail is wagging.
See me now.
I'm not a pig.
I'm not a cow.

Many know it's true.
I'm  man's best friend.
I have love for you
That will never end.

What pet is the poem about? Do you agree with the poem? Why or why not? Do you have a pet or do you wish for a pet? Why? Write and illustrate your ideas.

Follow the link below for a poem about dogs, comprehensionquestions, and writing activity:

A Man's Best Friend Original Poem and Activities

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Stay Busy From Home

Things to Do

Shuffling playing cards at the table.
A Monopoly game if you're able.
A homemade tent is just the thing.
With imagination you can do anything.

Use stuffed animals to make a zoo.
Make up a game everyone can do.
Write and illustrate your own picture book.
Create a recipe and help a grownup cook.

What creative things are you doing at home? Which have been the most fun or not so fun? Share ideas with friends to help everyone stay busy at this time. Write and share your thoughts. Write in your own journal or share below in the comments.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The CoronaVirus

Viruses are going around.
Many germs can be found.
Everyone understands.
Everyone washes hands.

What do you think of the CoronaVirus going around? Is there cause for fear? Why or why not? How can you help yourself and others? Write your thoughts.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Creatures on the Ground

A sound on the Ground

I'm a sound
Somewhere on the ground.
Zip, zip. Tap, tap.
Making my own little map.

What creature do you think the poem is about? Why do you think so? Write and illustrate your response.

What creatures dwell on the ground near where you live? Describe the animals and tell how you feel about them.